2010年1月27日 星期三




估佢搞什麼? 食風是也。

仲有玩秋千,不過20秒就要落地。玩tum tum 轉之後企唔穩,行唔到直線哩!



2010年1月20日 星期三

Recent pictures

After the fever for 3 days, Fay can finally take a breath outside home.

Fay's not really fond of bikes yet. Every time she is just being modelled to sit on, and then leave..

Fay don't like this game neither now.. coz it hit her badly on her toe last week.

Get prepared for school

Fay finally willing to try out her slippers. She found it fascinating when wearing. But she's not wearing them often.


Fay got my lens cover, and the next min she threw it to the ground.

2010年1月9日 星期六

BB visit

Today paid a visit to auntie Natalie. Thanks to your treat for lunch. 
Her almost 3 month bb (Ching Ching) is really cute... 
And do you notice? Their family's skin color is much whiter than ours... White skin is a gift for girls ar... You are lucky Ching Ching..

Cry very soon after pick up by my mom...

Sorry miss out uncle Douglas in the pictures... Old colleague...

2010年1月5日 星期二


給要求交出和女兒同看書的照片,才驚覺原來沒有這樣拍過,立令爸爸急急給拍一張。相中是書本Olivia forms a band.

2010年1月2日 星期六